24 November 2009

John's Insights

I guess I should say, "My Insights", though I would not have acquired what I have learned from John's Gospel if he had not written it.

Here are a few favorite spots of mine:

Many go to great lengths to question Jesus' divinity, where in the first chapter of John, he is mentioned as having a special relationship with God in 4 different ways:

1:1,14 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
1:4-9 - "That was the true Light, which lighteth cevery man that cometh into the world."
1:29,36 - "And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!"
1:34 - "And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God."

Jesus is the Word
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Lamb of God
Jesus is the Son of God

What's more, Jesus' own testimony that he is God's Son appears in almost every chapter:

2:16 "And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise."
3:13-18, 35-36 (Check it out)
4:25-26 "The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all
things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he."
5:17-31 (Read it)
That's all I'm giving you. You'll have to look for his words in chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and the rest.

No other book among the Four Gospels is so thick with these divine confirmations.

I'm glad we were able to study it this semester.
I know that the Bible and the testimony of John are true and I thank God with all thanksgiving for them.

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